Monday, March 28, 2005

I figured it was time.

I lost my job in February, two days before Anika was born. I haven't really taken the time to write here since.
Things are going well, though I'm still unemployed, but it's looking up. I got an interview last week and feel it was positive, but I can't be sure.
I went running today for the first time in about a month. I didn't like running today. Between running and walking, I walked more. Running tends to fatigue one's body sometimes, and today was one of those days. I'll be sore tomorrow. Remind me to make a playlist for running.
You know, I was really inspired to write when I came back from my runwalk, but now it's past midnight and I can't think of all those clever things to say. Maybe after tomorrow's session I can sit down and write something worth sending to a magazine. Then I won't need a regular job; I'll just run and write. Whatever pays the bills, right?
I need to apologize to my audience for quitting this blog. I'll make an attempt to write a whole lot more in the coming months as I become employed somewhere and return to some state of normalcy. Oh, and I'll update my "What I'm Reading" list, too. [It is hoped that there will be] more tomorrow.

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