Netscape Thursday released its latest browser, version 8.0. Within 24 hours of its release, 44 security holes were filled. Sounds pretty bad, huh?
It's actually not that bad. You see, the browser uses one of two rendering engines to display web pages - MS Internet Explorer's engine, and Mozilla Firefox's engine. Netscape leaves it up to you to choose - if a page doesn't display correctly, just try the other engine, not another browser.
Anyway, Mozilla recently updated their rendering engine, or some other parts of their browser, and Netscape forgot to include that update in the initial release. So don't go thinking Netscape hired a bunch of fools who wrote swiss cheese code. It was only a very minor oversight, albeit potentially costly. If you have downloaded the Netscape browser since yesterday morning, you're probably okay. Make sure that you have the latest by going to the help menu and selecting "About Netscape Browser." In the resulting dialog box, you will see some version information. The current version is 8.0.1.
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