- Sell some computers
- Who wants a laptop for $549?
- Or a desktop for $499?
- Write a new program (I've got some ideas)
- A program that shuts your computer down if you miss a payment on it
- Some other thing a relative came up with
- Stay out of Atlanta for a change
- I've been here at least once a week for about six weeks now
- It's 200 miles from home
- Read my new books and create a cool Web application
- nah, I'm trying to get away from caffeine
- Rest these poor fingers of mine
- what - like I'm doing now?
- Paint my shed
- Hang out with the Fam
- Maybe, just maybe, go to my office.
- Keep running (notice the new tracker in the sidebar?)
These classes are (so far) scenario-based and are not very hands-on in a technical sense. Maybe that's why I can't get a better job: I don't like the analog work so much. I like to have my hands dirty and lunch on my tie. I like screaming at users for clogging the network with MSN Radio. I like hanging out in a server room and making the systems work. Because then I don't have to. My job is done until the next virus/attack/upgrade/management failure. A manager's job is never done. Way too involved and emotional. That command line always is non-biased and factual; a manager has ups and downs. Should I leave this topic?
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