Monday, January 21, 2008

Netflix Errors

You'd never guess what I found today in my DVD player, so I'll tell you: Night at the Museum. This comes as a surprise only because I sent an envelope back to Netflix last week that should have had this disc in it. I suppose if I haven't heard anything from them in three weeks, they can just keep whatever movie I sent them and we'll call it even.

I am posting this here because someone might Google that question and will perhaps find an answer here. I wonder what will happen with the DVD, but this experiment was not intentional. Here are some questions folks may type into the search engine:
  • "What happens if I send the wrong movie back to Netflix?"
  • "Will I get in trouble if I keep a movie from Netflix and return something else?"
  • "What if I got a movie from Netflix, kept the original, and sent a copy back to them*?"
  • "Will the FBI knock on my door if that happened?"
  • "Should I hide my stash?"
Seriously, though, I'll try to report what happens if anything does happen.

* I doubt I did that.

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