Sunday, December 06, 2009

Tifton Kiwanis 5K and Valdosta Winterfest 5K

If they do it again next year, and I run all the time until then, I'll do it again.  If I take a break, hurt myself, or stop training for any other reason, I probably will shy away from running two races in one afternoon.  But I had fun and scored two t-shirts, so I can't say it was all for nothing.

I'll have to say I'm proud of myself for not walking (as I had done many times in the past) and for actually finishing the second race faster than the last time I ran that course.  If I happened to tell anyone, I ran a 34:18 on July 4, 2009 and today I ran that same route in 31:00.

I only wonder how fast I'd have run it if I hadn't done the Tifton 5K.  Oh, well.  There's always July 4, 2010.

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