Monday, March 19, 2007

Streets & Trips 2007 vs. Windows Vista

I got a new computer a couple of weeks ago and decided it should go with me everywhere. Having made that decision, I needed Streets & Trips installed and working so I wouldn't have to install it on my company machine. No problem, right? Wrong. Here's my story so far with Microsoft Streets & Trips:

In 2005, I got S&T 2005 with the GPS locator device. Everything worked great. Flawless. Perfect. Loved it. Upgraded to 2006 when it came out, again without incident. Last November, 2007 was released with an upgraded locator device, but since I already had a perfectly good one, I ordered Streets & Trips 2007 without the device (clever me - I saved about $80) and it arrived from shortly after the release date.

Upon installing over the 2006 edition, I found that it simply uninstalls 2006 (or whatever earlier edition one may have) and cleanly installs S&T 2007. Fine. Whatever.

What it never told me is that it flushed all the drivers for the GPS locator device I had. Same program, just a newer version, and it paid no mind to my existing device. Not recognized. No support. Found nothing at about the Pharos GPS-360 device. I didn't get it. I still don't.

What I finally stumbled upon was at some 4-wheel-drive site that somehow had the drivers for this device. I installed these separately and the device worked perfectly. I don't know why the device isn't supported naturally by S&T 2007, but I'd found a fix and had helped a few friends with this issue. I thought it was over.

And then I got this new computer with Windows Vista. Different structure to the operating system. Some things still don't work. And all I had was this driver installer program written by some people who use Google to speak English. It said it successfully installed the drivers for this GPS-360, but when I plugged it in, Windows couldn't find anything to support it. This went on for several days as I downloaded the latest stuff from pharos, installed it, plugged in my GPS locator, and had no luck. Several times.

Then I got wise. I still had the discs for S&T 2005, and the drivers just had to be on there, didn't they? Tonight I put the setup disc in and browsed it for the drivers. They were there, and I was set. So I plugged in my locator and waited for Windows to tell me it couldn't find the drivers for my device...

And somehow it found them automatically. I don't know if it found them on the CD, or finally saw what I had installed seven times previously, but it works. And I'm happy. I'm writing this so that Google may index it for people looking to ease their troubles with Streets & Trips 2007 using the Pharos GPS-360 device. Here are the drivers from the S&T 2005 disc in case they happen to work for you.

Some folks may have trouble with the zip file I've got. Here are the driver files as they are on the Streets & Trips 2005 CD:



Sunday, March 18, 2007

2007 Summer Reading List

My Summer 2007 Reading List is complete. I am excitedly looking forward to summer since I'm taking the season off from school, and want to get some reading done. For three months, this is not entirely impossible to complete:

"The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins
"The Ancestor's Tale" by Richard Dawkins
At least one Ann Coulter book
One book written by a former president
A book shared with Beth (probably from the banned books list)
"Hannibal Rising" by Thomas Harris,
And all my unread Grisham Novels, including:
  • The Chamber
  • The Summons
  • The Last Juror
  • The Rainmaker
  • The Pelican Brief
  • The Innocent Man
If I don't get tied up in anything else, I may finish this list. It's not a dull one at all.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Told You I Was Watching!

Looks like April 26 is the day for Dr. Hawking's weightless flight. I wonder what his motivation is...