Saturday, November 06, 2004

Just Today

I found an Internet connection today; I usually don't on the weekends.

I shouldn't be so negative about work as I have been lately. When I got the job, I was excited solely because I was sure I would be traveling. However, I've spent the last two weeks away from home and it is getting old. There will be no more traveling until next year, and I'm glad.

So I'll try to take a neutral stance to my work from now on. I'm improving for you, people. Be proud of me.

I haven't gathered my thoughts since the election; I wasn't actually expecting Bush to win (by such a margin, anyway), so I didn't have much to say.

I still don't.

I was never too critical of any president - he was elected by the people, wasn't he? I only became critical of President Bush around election time, as probably did everyone else. I wasn't watching the other three years and six months.

I did watch the war some, though, having been in the Army and all. I helped my old unit onto an airplane as they left for Iraq early one cool summer morning in Colorado. I knew that I wouldn't have wanted to go, but I would have if I were still with them.

Save the "Well, you should have stayed in with your fellow soldiers..." talk. You should have served yourself. I joined the Army to better my life and I did. I then went to school to educate myself and succeeded. Why don't you try being a 24-year-old freshman? If you've never served in the military, try giving the whole of four years of your own life to military service, then being way behind the curve in your secondary education, while tending to a young marriage and supporting a child. Oh, and you have to make it look easy.

Anyway, I would have done as I was told if I was in the Army at the time they deployed. I wouldn't have liked it I'm certain, and I probably would have sent my absentee ballot this year from Iraq in favor of Kerry, simply because I was there for reasons only known to George W. Bush and those around him.

I only knew that the President was not favored by many for several reasons, but then again, so was Bill Clinton. But I also knew that some people supported the President for the things he did get right, and that's what I should have focused on.

I know now that I should take my own perspective of our leaders and not listen to my friends or news sources, no matter their political direction. I should form my own opinion of the President and his cabinet (especially that asshole Rumsfeld). I'll try to be better in the next four years.

1 comment:

Scott G said...

Yeah, who the hell have you been listening to? Like I have always said, "You will always have grub, as long as the President is G-Dub."

Or, it was something close to that. I agree that everyone should from their own opinions. I started forming mine before Bush first became president. I read and follow politics almost like an obsession. My opinions, although not perfect, are pretty strongly formed. I might even call them educated.

And, I still don't like the President.

Either way, glad you are going to a neutral stance on work. I will take a neutral-negative stance on my workplace. At least until they can prove that they actually think about and test things before thy release them or try them.