Thursday, November 18, 2004

Speaking of Being Behind...

Andy mentioned this blog on his site two days ago and I didn't know about it until this morning. That's what you get when you move to south Georgia - no Internet access. Oh, well.
I'm behind on my reading, also. If you'll take a look at the "What I'm Reading" section, you'll notice I'm working on several books. There's plenty more to read, too.
This is all just filler. Sorry there's nothing important, but I'm trying to stay on top of my blogging. I should have a column on leadership before long. Until then...

1 comment:

Scott G said...

We want leadership, we want leadership! Or, at least a column on it.

Blogging is better when you are doped up on muscle relaxers and pain killers. I took an Organic Chem final on muscle relaxers and some of my answers were pretty funny, except for the failing part. I would start an answer and then forget where I was going with it. That rocked.