Saturday, June 11, 2005


I got my new desk today, but not without a fight. The weather has been bad lately, with the tropical storm and all. Wouldn't be so bad if Florida would keep their hurricanes under control. They just let the damn storm go everywhere, instead of keeping it to themselves. It's like they're farting in front of a fan in a room of 500 people. Assholes.

I love my new desk. It's 2592 in² of prime real estate for my work. I no longer will be found in a toddler's chair in confusion over which keyboard I have. It's all laid out in front of me. Doesn't mean I'll blog any more than I have previously.

Beth is studying sociology today. It's pretty rough stuff. One time it put her in a deep sleep, just from having the book set in front of her. I can't imagine what she's going through; I know I couldn't get into sociology or public speaking. I'm a technologist, not an arts student. If I had to read that much theological and philosophical text, I'd never get a job. Bring on the machines, though, and I'm ready for anything.

Back to Florida. As my readers might imagine, I have some beef with that state. I think they should leave the country, or just sell the state to Disney. They'd just have to rent Kennedy to NASA. If they had kept this storm under control, I wouldn't have to pick up limbs in the yard (I just mowed two days ago, and Florida's fucking up my hard work.) And in the words of George W. Bush, "It's hard work!"
But at least I'm not reading sociology.

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