Friday, June 10, 2005

Would He Win Now?

One of the articles I read in this morning's news talked about Bush's job approval ratings. Sure, the sample size was very low, but that doesn't stop the poll from making a point.

"I don't think he's read his history enough about different countries and foreign affairs," said Harvie, a political independent who lives near San Diego, a region with several military bases. "Anything they try to do in Iraq has spelled trouble. I think he bit off more than he can chew."

When, in fact, I don't think the President reads much at all. Haven't you heard him read aloud to the public? It's like listening to the slow kid read in class. Of course, I'd probably sound the same, but I'm not the president. Back to the topic:

Would he win now? What would John Kerry's approval ratings look like? It'd be nice to discuss this with someone, but I don't think I can find anyone around here who doesn't support that assclown.

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