Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Parenting Sucks

At least that's how other parents make you feel when you're expecting your first child. Anika had peas and carrots, mashed potatoes, and maybe some chicken tonight for dinner. It was a joy to clean up, or rather, watch Beth crawl around and wipe up peas and carrots from behind the chair.

"You better get your sleep while you can," those child-burdened, seasoned parents would say. When their kid slammed into the corner of the table and let out a shriek, they'd mumble "Get used to this!" And I was supposed to listen. Turns out we either are the greatest parents, or we just got unimaginably lucky.

Anika is eleven months old. From the time she was two months, we could probably count our sleepless nights on one hand. I don't have any of those cool one-liner warnings for new parents. I haven't lived their nightmare. But I do have some advice after having cleaned the royal highchair tonight:

"Don't let mashed potatoes dry on anything."

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