Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Online Sickness

I'm trying to think of some pointers to mention, but I can't even think of a subject that I actually have some pointers on. I'm really just bored, and I've seen nearly everything on the Internet this week that I could think of looking up. I wanted to know more about Assembler, the most basic programming language for microprocessors. In my studies, I discovered that I need to know more about computer and processor architectures, and ended up winning a book on eBay for 99¢. While I'm waiting on this book, I'll research the best book for learning about computer architecture overall, and maybe pick one of those up. I'm kinda worried about starting college and stumbling through a Computer Science degree without learning anything. Studying ahead may help.

I also want to build my own controllers for different projects like home automation and robotics. I believe I can build a Linux system that can monitor things like the temperature and human presence in the house. I've found Single-Board Computers (SBCs) that can run Linux for about $100. However, those systems are far more advanced than what I'd like to have, so I may have to build one. I've seen this done before by Computer Engineering students, and I'm sure I can find what I need in a book at the university.

Shopping online has become very fun these days. With places like and, one can complete a quick investigation on a store or a product very quickly. A lot of the early adopters to a new product (like the Bluetooth headphones I want) will post very helpful reviews of it. These are very helpful (one lady with a fat head didn't like the way the headphones fit). It's great. Price shopping is fun, too, because you can see what most retailers are charging for the item. lists these headphones at about $127 (a fair price if they sound good), and some other place is selling them for $189! The same thing! Ha!

If it isn't apparent in this post, I am very bored and really need something to passionately write about. Although it is raining, and I've been meaning to look for a rainsuit...

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