Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Forming a Balanced Opinion

I've been considering the purchase of Ann Coulter's book, "How to Talk to a Liberal (if you must): The World According to Ann Coulter", but I'm not so sure I'd finish it.

Or maybe I'd become so patriotic and gay/French bashing, I'd turn to the extreme Right and forget about anyone but the Christians. Maybe if I read it, I can get her to blow me.

It's all because I want a balanced diet of opinions, a healthy start to forming my own. So far, I like what Al Franken thinks, but his story just might be a spin also (but he makes it sound good). Maybe I'll get it and document my journey through her book. That'll be fun.

On another note, I have found a book worth reading. I sat and read a fifth of it last night: Angels & Demons by Dan Brown. So far, it's great. It doesn't start with a dull, quiet beginning (like the Dean Koontz I've read so far), but with interesting facts and happenings. I encourage you to pick it up in hardcover, but the paperback edition probably says the same thing. Very much worth reading so far (if you haven't already; I'm way behind.)


Scott G said...

I like to read books by conservatives to keep sharp. I fugure most people don't take the time to read the "other" side, so it gives me an advantage in most cases. If my knowledge doesn't work, I resort to what I learned from the conservative books and use violence, I mean, preemptive security measures.

I can't bring myself to read Ann Coulter. Maybe if she was naked in the book, I would buy it and look at the pictures, kind of like the President. I just don't like her and feel that she probably could be a knowledgeable person, but prefers to use hate and go after the ignorant among us for book sales, I mean, to better America by showing that liberals are yellow bellied, pinko, frog eaters who like crepes in the breakfast nook.

I liked "The Conscience of a Conservative" by Barry Goldwater. I didn't agree with it, but it was an interesting read. I followed that up with "The Conscience of a Liberal" by Paul Wellstone. I think that Bush and his supporters should read Goldwaters book too. So they can see what real conservatives stand for.

I am also becoming a big fan of John McCain books. "Why Courage Matters : The Way to a Braver Life"
and "Worth the Fighting for: A Memoir" are both pretty good. I am only about a third of the way through "Worth the Fighting for," but it is good so far.

I probably should read more fiction, but am addicted to politics and history. Maybe I should try a change of pace so that I don't go crazy and become the Unibomber II. I wonder what my manifesto would say I hated more, Hannity or Colmes?

Ben said...

You see? No one reads the shit!! I must read Ann Coulter's "work" so I can understand why the hell my conservative friend has an Ann Coulter talking doll, what Al Franken is talking about when he says Ann Coulter is a cunt (or something of that nature, don't quote me as quoting him). I need to understand the thinking conservative mind and the numb one as well. As I said, I'm forming my own opinion. If I feel better making up things like killing Arab leaders and converting every Muslim to Christianity, then I'll do that. It will be my informed choice.