Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Not Bush's Fault

In the local paper (which, by the way, is still fucked up) there is a section every day entitled Rant & Rave. I would like to quote one rave and burn them here:

I was reading in [Tuesday's] Rant & Rave where it is a shame and why not help and I would like to know why people are blaming the government when it is not the government's fault. It is the governor of New Orleans, the mayor of New Orleans, the senators and representatives from New Orleans. It is not Bush and the government's fault. They can't get things in there overnight. I know. I just came from out there. I left home Sunday night before the hurricane hit. ...It's not Bush's fault, and it's not the government's fault. It's their own fault. I know. I have family there. I know.

I shall say first that someone this ridiculously stupid probably doesn't know what Bush's position is, since he/she thinks someone has the distinction of being the Governor of the State of New Orleans. Also, this person was fortunate enough to have somewhere to go. A lot of the people who died did so because they had no family, no place, and no way to get outside New Orleans. The person who ranted here obviously practices conservative thought. "I got out and you didn't, so that makes you stoopid. I know."

Then I will say that it is Bush's fault. He's the boss. The President of the United States. The one who brought "liberalization" to an entire country with a great quickness, and ousted its leader. He can put over half the Army on the other side of the earth in a matter of weeks and wreck an entire country, but he can't manage to get help down to New Orleans over the weekend.

It's Bush's fault that nine days later people are still starving to death and women are being raped because the safety of each person left homeless by Katrina is in the hands of the government.

If I were the president (and this is entirely hypothetical), everything except the care for human beings would be out the window. We found enough money for this fucking war, so we should wait until later to figure out how we're going to pay for the cleanup. "Just get it done," I would say.

"Hello, sir! Do you not have anywhere for your family to stay? Go stay at the White House. I'm never there anyway; I'll be at the ranch. And we'll build you a nice new home right where Trent's house was. We have this new thing called imminent domain. He'll understand."

Bring our soldiers home and give those people a home, you comfortable fuck.

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