Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Where is your church?

I ask this because I think a lot about religion and politics. That fact is usually disguised in my writing, but believe it or not, it is true. Scott over at Poetic Leanings wrote this yesterday and got me thinking.

I do not consider myself a religious person. Much like I believe that communism is a good idea ruined by people, I feel that religion is going along the same lines. Too many people are trying to be middlemen between God and us. It is occurring in all the major religions. People who are far less than honest are telling others what God would want.

I am a spiritual person who is a Christian and still consider myself a Catholic even though I don't attend church. I was unable to continue going to a building for worship when most people seemed to just go so that others could see them there. I think God knows if you are there for the right reasons and probably even knows if I choose to pray or reflect at home.

While I was in the shower last night, I was thinking about church and what would be my church. More precisely, where is my church. I decided that the golf course could probably be considered a place where I worship. It is like my Zen place. When I am golfing, I usually am relaxed and just able to think.

I also think that I find my bed a place of worship. Before you think about the wrong things, I often just lay in bed and listen to jazz or Bob Dylan or Bruce Springsteen and ponder life. I occasionally read the Bible or Qu'ran there and just think. Isn't that really what spirituality is? Reflecting on God, your relationship with God, and your relationship with the rest of the world?

I have also been trying Yoga and meditation. I am not very good at blocking everything out of my head yet though. I can relax and block out the outside well enough, but occasionally a thought pops in like "I wonder if M*A*S*H is on?"

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