Saturday, January 14, 2006

More to Read

I believe I've finished listing the 2006 reading cue on the sidebar. Today I added the paperbacks I've built up or saved, and it looks like I'm really in for it. I just counted and there are around 63 books on for this year. That's rough - over 5 books a month. I'd better get to it. Whenever I finish a book, there will appear a checkmark beside the title in the list.

Given what Justin had to say about my attitude, I think some good time reading could really help me relax. I always liked getting hooked on a story and understanding the characters in it. They're much better than television. Books can be much more vivid and in-depth than anything on the telly, but anything that could help me get away from myself is welcome.

We watched Wedding Crashers last night. While it was pretty funny, I probably won't watch it again. Anyone care to borrow it?

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