Thursday, January 12, 2006

Please Pray for War

The prayer cards I mentioned last night are as follows:

Sunday: Pray for safety of soldiers and their families
Monday: Pray for confusion in the minds of the enemy and disharmony among their leaders
Tuesday: Pray for malfunction of enemy weapons
Wednesday: Pray for identities of insurgent forces to be revealed and brought to justice
Thursday: Pray for democratic government process to be successful
Friday: Pray for peace of Iraq
Saturday: Pray for the increase of faith of Iraqi Christians that they will stand up to procalim the Gospel of Jesus, even to the point of martyrdom

Seems a bit useless to pray for the success or failure of either side, given my global view. This looks to be a "Pray for us, not them. They're not God's people." Is that the message?

Are we not all human? Is this not just a civil war, fought on Earth? A globe only has one side.

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