Tuesday, January 17, 2006


So I failed at one resolution - so what? I haven't blogged every day this year anymore, and I'm not sorry.

Truth is, I made a conscious effort to stay away from my computers over the weekend, watch some television (well, not really television - movies on DVD and Showtime), and generally get a grip on my life. It was good. I ate steak, chicken, and bratwurst from the grill, spent time with my parents, and got to know my wife again for a little bit. I'm going to try that more often.

Nevertheless, I'm still going to devote time here; I'm just not going to make it imperative that I blog every day. That would be silly. I will still try to read those 5+ books per month*. I owe it to Beth to read all those I bought.

I do think I'll get a Mac after I find out just how compatible it will be with some Windows-based software. I don't want to have to live without my Streets & Trips 2006. I hate paper maps anymore.

And I still want a motorcycle. I may have decided on the Suzuki SV1000. We're still buying a house first.

Speaking of buying a house, we're likely going to buy in the next two months. Wish us luck.

*I'm going for the average. I know I won't finish five books in January.

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