Saturday, July 15, 2006

I Finally Found It!

I finally found this damn thing! I've been wanting to display a good-looking blog at the front of for a long time now (because I am a horrible web designer and don't have the patience) and I got it!

It took the right Google search to find this, and setup was easy! Scott, you really should try this. It's called bBlog, and it does everything for you. It has everything, so far as I can tell, including trackbacks, commenting, and RSS feeds. Random Thoughts is no more from this point on, unless I really screw this thing up.

Update (9/5/2006) Looking back, it wasn't such a grand experience. Judging by the fact that you're now reading this same post powered by Blogger, I have failed in my endeavor to escape the masses, but succeeded in my goal to have my blog here at my site instead of Thank you very much.

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