Sunday, July 02, 2006

Stay the Hell Inside

Georgia's 'shoot first' law, others take effect this weekend. - Gwinett Daily Post

Apparently it is now legal to protect yourself with a weapon if you or your family is in imminent danger. This is good.

Though it was legal already, I think more people might just start carrying rifles and handguns in their Chevrolets for "protection." Then the next black man who approaches them asking for bus fare will take a dirt nap. They'll claim he "looked threatening" and was unwanted in their presence. They will then drive to the next Wal-Mart and shoot another "suspicious" black person for free. This is not good.

I might mention that I am not a black person. I hate racism, and find that I would rather hang out with many more black folks down here than the white ones. Some of them are finally over the Civil War and don't hate me because I'm white. A lot of the white people still use the word "nigger" as it has always been used - in degradation of people of African descent. They are the ultra-conservative type who can't get out of the trailer they parked in their mama's backyard. Their ignorance makes me sick.

Sorry - I meant to stay on topic.

Hell, I might be in danger myself in any public place. I don't look like anyone I know who supports the NRA (a huge backer of this new law), so I might just get blasted by some bearded fella' with a barbecue-stained Dixie Outfitters shirt on.

"Zach Ragbourn, spokesman for the Brady Campaign, a Washington D.C.-based gun control advocacy group, said supporters of the measures have been unable to point to an instance where someone defending themselves in public was prosecuted. Therefore, opponents argue the law is unnecessary. " Good point.

Oh, and Georgia isn't the only state that makes an effort to tell you that it's legal to protect yourself. "Georgia is now one of eight to 12 other states to follow through with a law of their own this year," stated the article.

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