Thursday, July 13, 2006


So I haven't been consistent with my blogging - so what? I have a life. It has now slowed to the point where I can write more often, but I don't necessarily do more thinking. Since there is no cognitive energy to spend, there is not much to write.

Seems lately that I'm writing a lot about not writing.

But here's something I didn't know - Ken Lay was on vacation in Aspen when he died. Aren't people supposed to have a bit worse time while awaiting sentence? Anyway, screw him. He was that successful and threw it all away to greed (or ignorance, if you believe him). Now thousands of people are out of their pensions and investments, and Ken just cuts out and dies. What a dick.

News on some people who need a break, though - astronauts. I wanted to be one once. Now I'm too tired.

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