Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Improv Night at the G8

Actually it was morning, but I missed it!

See, the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over."

-George W. Bush

Update: I appreciate the fact that Bush actually thinks about what's going on. Seems to me he has to be forced to explain himself every time he's in public, and that he doesn't actually consider much in private. This shows that Bush seemingly cares about something and proposes a solution, or something close to it.

Update II: I saw some of the video and while I haven't changed my mind that Bush actually thinks about what's going on, he still isn't very professional, even in an event in which all leaders are known to be audited by their every move. I mean, he was smacking his food with his mouth wide open when he said "...get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit and it's over." One can barely understand him! That's not to be a judgement on his entire character as an American president (jury's still out on that one).

And the fact that he didn't want to speak at length because it was a long trip home is just plain shitty. If he's got something to say, then damnit, he should go right out and say it, because after all, he is the "leader" of a global superpower, isn't he? Shouldn't he have some clout at these meetings?

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