Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sunday Morning

The calendar thing is a bit tricky. I don't even know how to call it up. I'm also having problems with the landing page at I can change my web server to serve up the blog when you go to, but for some reason it's not working. I put a quick redirect page up front (first time I'd ever needed one; it took five minutes when it should have taken 30 seconds).

I've notified my readers at Random Thoughts to update their links, and I'll send an e-mail to a select few whom I know have links to me.

In other news, It's Sunday. It is going to be a slow day today because I was up until nearly 4 a.m. getting this blog configured. My wife is building a tent out of sheets for our daughter, and my parents are coming over. They're getting ready to move in the middle of next month and they're in a hissy on what to do with all of their stuff.

I would be too. My dad built the place he's currently in and still has all the equipment needed to keep it up. He's moving from a 3000 ft2* home on 25 acres to a three-bedroom apartment in the city. I really feel for them.

Sorry I don't have any global news today. It's Sunday, people. Get to church.

Just kidding.

* estimated square footage and acreage.

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